
Weblingo can work with any content in any format.

From Microsoft Word to iOS, our translation technology tools and management systems are compatible with any format. If you have your content available in a format that is not listed here, please contact us and we will create a customised solution for you to ensure your translation format meets your best practices.

Notable formats include:

Documentation Formats: Extension
MS Office .docx ; .dotx ; .xlsx ; .xltx ; .pptx ; .potx
XLIFF .xliff ; .xml
HTML .htm ; .html ; .xhtml ; .xht
HAML .haml
Plain text .txt
CSV .csv
Markdown .md
MediaWiki .wiki ; .wikitext ; .mediawiki
Open Document .odt ; .ott ; .ods ; .ots ; .odg ; .otg ; .odp ; .otp
Adobe InDesign .idml
Adobe Framemaker .mif
Youtube subtitles .sbv
SubRip .srt
Software Formats: Extension
Microsoft .NET .resx
Java Properties .properties
GNU GeText .po ; .pot
Flex Properties .properties
Ruby on Rails & YAML .yaml
Qt .ts
DKLang .dklang ; .lng
XUL .dtd
Google Chrome Extension .json
Windows .rc ; .resw ; .resjson
Joomla .ini
Generic INI .ini
Generic JSON .json
Generic XML .xml
NSIS Installer .nsh
WiX Installer .wxl
 Mobile Formats: Extension
Android .xml
iOS .strings