In keeping with our focus on South Africa’s eleven official languages, we would like to introduce you to some of our Ndebele translators.
Mabongi is scared of snakes and one of our top Ndebele translators.
1. Which languages do you translate and what industries do you specialise in?
“English to IsiNdebele and IsiNdebele to English.”
2. How long have you been a translator, and how did you get into translation as a career?
“Five years now, I started in these field, as soon as I started to work as Lexicographer.”
3. What’s the most challenging translation project you’ve ever worked on?
“Science and Technology, because isiNdebele is a developing language and it doesn’t have many scientific terms yet.”
4. What was your favourite food as a child?
“Spinach and pap.”
5. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
“20, because, I didn’t have a husband and a child, I had time to do anything and I could go anywhere without thinking of who will take care of the child, and whether my husband will agree or not.”
6. What is something you learned in the last week?
“Relationship between translation and technology in multilingual countries.”
7. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
“I am so scared of snakes, if I can learn how to look at them, that will be a huge achievement.”
8. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
“Read on the latest news on internet.”
9. What’s your favourite Ndebele word or phrase (and what is its meaning)?
“Tjhebetjhebe – it means my apologies.”