Our African languages include Arabic, Swahili, Hausa, Shona, Yoruba, Chichewa, Igbo, Amharic, African Portuguese and African French dialects.
From Swahili to Igbo, all of our linguists are based in the country of their respective language of expertise. Our quality language services, project management and language consultancy enable you and your brand to make an informed and well-calculated decision in communicating with foreign markets, and in this case, Africa.
Click here for a quote on communicating effectively with your target market throughout Africa.
Our Linguists
All linguists are well-versed in
translation and localisation management software, ensuring the language used is both current and consistent in the approach to terminology, tone and, in general, translations that are true to their original. This is imperative in gaining traction in foreign markets.
A Snapshot of Africa Languages
The Niger-Congo language family boasts the most languages of all language families, with 1495 languages, nearly 22% of the total number of languages in the world.
Home to over 500 languages, Nigeria is a complicated communication highway that, without inside knowledge, you can get hopelessly lost within.
Nigeria is home to just over 7 % of the world’s languages, including Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, French, Arabic, Djerma and Songhai. Production of mass communication channels like newspapers and television shows are difficult for this very reason.
Our linguistic experts are more than qualified to assist in recommending the best possible option when communicating with certain regions within Nigeria, and Web-lingo is able to provide this service across the African continent.