
Our Setswana linguists have worked with us on some of the most innovative and challenging language projects ever in South Africa, and are highly experienced in their respective fields of expertise. We provide professional Setswana translation, localisation, proofreading, editing and validation services. All linguists are well-versed in translation and localisation management software, ensuring the language used is both current and consistent in the approach to terminology, tone and, in general, translations that are true to their original. This is imperative in gaining traction in foreign markets.

Click here for quote on your Setswana requirements.

Setswana – What you need to know

Setswana is spoken by approximately 8 % of South Africa’s population and is one of three major Sotho languages in South Africa. It is an official language in South Africa and a de-facto national language in Botswana.
Name and Language Code: Setswana – TN
Alternate Names: Tswana
Family: Niger-Congo > Atlantic-Congo > Volta- Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoid > Southern > Narrow Bantu > Central > S group > Sotho-Tswana > Tswana
Est. number of speakers: 4 067 000 (South Africa)
Countries Official: South Africa
Prevalent Countries: South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Zimbabwe

Prevalent Countries

South Africa South Africa
 Botswana Botswana
 Lesotho Lesotho
 Swaziland Swaziland
 Namibia Namibia
 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe