Terminology Update: Multilingual Magazine A – F

In today’s fast-paced environment, nearly every second sentence you hear contains some sort of abbreviation related to technology. We thought it a good idea to include some of Multilingual magazines Resource Directory for 2012, available for download, and make it a little easier on all of us.

Just search Multilingual Magazine on Google, click on Resources and download the resource directory. It’s full of some really interesting information and is essential to staying up-to-date with technology and trends.

It also really helps to have this all in one place as a reference, saving you the search time on Google and that embarrassing pause while you search to try and figure out just what exactly your client / colleague / partner is saying.

This is taken from the Abbreviations and Acronyms section. Go and check it out, it’s a quick download. There are some obvious choices, but the technology-related ones are most helpful to us.

ACE automatic content enrichment
ACR abstract character repertoire
AD audio description
ADR automated dialog replacement
AM authoring memory
AMT automated machine translation
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APDU application protocol data unit
API application programming interface
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASL American Sign Language
ASP application service provider
ATA American Translators Association
ATSUI Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging
B2B business to business
B2C business to consumer
BCE Before the Common Era
BMP basic multilingual plane
BOM byte order mark
BPO business process outsourcing
BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China
CAD computer-aided design
CAGR compound annual growth rate
CAI computer-assisted interpretation
CAP cultural adaptation process
CAT computer-aided/assisted translation
CBMT context-based machine translation
CBT computer-based training
CCJK Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese & Korean
CCS coded character set
CDATA character data
CE Common Era
CEE Central and Eastern Europe
CEF character encoding form
CES character encoding scheme
CEO chief executive officer
CFO chief financial officer
CGI common gateway interface
CGO chief globalization officer
CHT Chinese-Taiwan
CI community interpreting
CIC corporate intelligence center
CIO chief information officer
CJK Chinese, Japanese and Korean
CJKV Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese
CL controlled language
CLA cross-lingual application
CLAT controlled language authoring technology
CLC controlled language checker
CM content management; character map
CMM capability maturity model
CMS content management system
CNS Chinese National Standard
CNT contents files
COLT connection optimized link technology
COM component object model
CP code page
CRM customer relationship management
CRPG computer role-playing game
CS compound strings
CSS cascading style sheet
CT Chinese Traditional; compound text
CTI computer telephone integration
CT3 crowdsourced translation-community translation collaborative translation
DAU/MAU daily active users divided by monthly active users
DBCS double-byte character set
DDI direct dialing inwards
DITA Darwin Information Typing Architecture
DIY do-it-yourself
DIYOW do-it-your-own-way
DLL dynamic link library
DNT do not translate
DTD document type definition
DTP desktop publishing
DVB digital video broadcasting
EA East Asian
EAI enterprise application interface
EAP e-business application platform
EBCDIC extended binary coded decimal interchange code
EBITDA earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
EBMT example-based machine translation
EC European community
ECL exit control list
ECM enterprise content management
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECU European currency unit
EIP enterprise information portal
EMEA Europe, Middle East, Africa
EMS enterprise management system
EMU European Economic and Monetary Union
ERM electronic relationship management
ERP enterprise resource planning
ERS emergency restoration system
ESL English-as-a-second-language
EU European Union
EUC extended UNIX code
EXE executable files
FAHQT fully automatic high quality translation
FAQ frequently asked questions
FDI foreign direct investment
FEP front-end processor
FEV forced expiration volume
FIGS France, Italy, Germany and Spain
FLR foreign language resource
FMS file management system
FTP file transfer protocol

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