Afrikaans Translators Interview: Meet Althea

In order for you to get to know our highly-experienced translators, we’ve decided on a brief interview. Meet Althea. 1. Which languages do you translate and what industries do you specialise in? “English to Afrikaans/Afrikaans to English/Dutch to Afrikaans; Publishing industry, Academic industry.” 2. How long have you been a translator, and how did you[…]

Afrikaans: Common Phrases and Words

Considering our focus on Afrikaans, we’ve decided to highlight a few common terms. Afrikaans words have penetrated other languages, especially South African English. This is mainly due to the English and Afrikaans cultures merging to a certain extent in South Africa. There is also prevalence of South Africans speaking a mixture of English and Afrikaans[…]

Afrikaans: What is Afrikaans?

This week, we’ll be profiling Afrikaans on our blog. As one of South Africa’s eleven official languages and our only official language starting with the Letter ‘A’, it was an easy first-choice. We plan to look at common definitions / descriptions of the language, interview some of our translators and look at common phrases and[…]