Localisation for Applications to stand out

App localisation for greater gains, worldwide

Applications are readily available on Google Play Store and the Apple Store. It certainly begs the question: How do you stand out? One of the easiest ways to do this is to translate your App into multiple languages using professional localisation services. An App that is multilingual can grow your potential user base and monthly subscribers. That is[…]

Marketing and Advertising in Africa, multilingually

When marketing and advertising your business in Africa, it’s best to understand the prevalent languages being spoken in each region. French (Francophonic) and Portuguese (Lusophonic) speaking countries in Africa offer an ample opportunity to communicate with a massive potential market for your business within two locales across the continent, the third, of course, being English.[…]

Build business in Africa with expert translations

Talking the walk in Africa is easier than you imagine. Never before has it been simpler to access world class translations into languages like Swahili, Shona, French, Portuguese and Arabic. Web-lingo offers all of these locales for translation of your documentation, marketing material and business communications, as well as websites, getting you and your brand[…]

4 ways to simplify your translation management

1. Content plan A content plan allows for the necessary research to be completed when dealing with complicated, industry-specific terminology. It also allows for any queries to be cleared up before translation commences and for adequate feedback before the deadline creeps up. Clear and concise planning and delivery of source content to translators means calm, collected[…]


4 Ways to grow your business with translation

According to a recent BBC report, a single misspelling on your website potentially costs your business millions. 99% of business on the web is still done through written words. In today’s digital ecosystem, businesses also face the challenge of communicating globally. Selling to international customers requires you to speak their language. Here are some creative[…]